
Hosting Ukrainian family

For Irish hosts

Thank you for your hospitality and generosity.

We receive questions if Irish hosts are to be compensated. There is a Community Sponsorship program, however, it is considered slow and cumbersome. It remains to be seen how this will be approached going forward.

There are also conversations happening whether the government can subsidise the hosts with 400pm benefit.

If you want to take in the temporarily displaced people, remember that these people will most likely need some financial and mental help, and you need to understand that. We also ask you not to offer any short-term accommodation to those people (up to a month), as after that they would have to look for a new place to live again on their own. Unfortunately, we do not yet know whether Ukrainians will be able to seek “housing assistance” from the state after living in a family that has temporarily hosted them but has not been able to guarantee long-term housing. Thanks again.

Contact us!

We know how difficult it might be to have some strangers at your home, even if you invited them by yourself. So we decided to create some instructions for both Irish and Ukrainians about co-living together. If you need any advice or support please contact us via email hostsupport@uact.ie

Pledge accommodation

Irish websites where you can pledge accommodation:

  • Daft - pledge a room, your ad will be shared with the volunteers and community groups
  • Helping Irish hosts - this website has some helpful advise on the steps you might want to follow when making a decision to host a refugee

Other websites that are used to pledge accomodation in any EU country:

For Ukrainians

На даний момент українцям, що потребують тимчасового захисту, держава надає безкоштовне житло (це можуть бути готелі, хостели, спортзали, колишні монастирі/церкви/школи, наметове містечко). Також проходить активна робота над тим, щоб організувати централізовану систему розселення українців в житло, що пропонують місцеві жителі.

Якщо ви бажаєте прийняти пропозицію житла від Ірландців, вам потрібно знати наступну інформацію: Наразі ірландці лишають багато пропозицій житла у різних реєстрах. Ірландія хоче внести лад у цей процес, але це займе час. Список ресурсів для пошуку житла представлено нижче у таблиці.

Також ми написали детальну інструкцію про оренду житла у Ірландії:

🔑Оренда житла